Hello Soror

Chapter President
Angela Rogers

Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter Members 2022

Delta Regions


Ticket Information and More

Community Events

****Scholarship Information****

The successful applicant will receive one of our three (3) preeminent $1,500
Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

For 2024, the chapter is also sponsoring an additional three (3) scholarships in
the following amounts:
• OKC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc,’s Armed
Forces Legacy and Leadership Scholarship – $1,000
 Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s
Memorial Scholarship – $1,000 and
• The Linda Holman Memorial Scholarship – $1,000

We are now accepting applications for 2023-24!

Delta Academy is dedicated to mentoring young ladies in 6th – 8th grades (ages 11-14) and encouraging their involvement in STEAM, leadership, and community service opportunities.

Your daughter has an opportunity to join Delta Academy a mentoring program. The mentoring program is designed to help increase self-esteem and motivation, discover how school and the world of work are connected, and to develop life skills necessary to be successful in school and at a future career. This program will also expose young girls to activities that they may not have the opportunity to explore. Mentoring is the process of establishing a relationship between a young person (ages 11-14) and someone more senior in age and experience who offers support, guidance, and concrete assistance as the younger person enters new experiences, takes on difficult tasks or goes through a difficult period.

Delta GEMS

Delta GEMS was created to catch the dreams of African-American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude.